tiistai 12. syyskuuta 2023

Ease a huge hunger

 If you would like to have more wisdom of life according to positive feelings in your country, please suggest my e-books (most of them cost 3usd +10% tax, no other fees) www.amazon.com/author/khtervola to libraries, maybe especially to the national library of your homecountry, preferable possible also for free or almost free international lending, and read them yourself too. 

My i.pression is that especially the e-books "Skills Of Christmas Gnomes" make one feel satisfied as if with a full stomach. The first e-book in the series has some 900 pages, maybe 40% of them about Christmas gnomes, maybe the last 30% about the four seasons, and the rest copies of the texts on the links from the original blog learntalents.blogspot.com . The first e-book (3usd) at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BLLS8BWC?binding=kindle_edition&ref_=ast_author_bsi would be a good guess of what eases hunger. 

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10th of March 2024   Hunger is usually caused by the living environment causing a need of energy and nutritients even if one lives in healthy civilicedly wise ways, for example the weathers, an ok civiliced work or daily healthy activity needing energy. So the hunger is caused by external circumstancies without one oneself being unwise. 

But if the feeling of huge hunger is like being hollow inside the body, a large part of the central body and maybe at limbs too, then it is likely thst it ought not be treated as hunger but instead is caused by some very unwise cjoice of yours, for example lying instead of gollowing civiliced values in your daily life, or doing something that is not good at all if it is followed in the world, öike for example a traitor among normal civiliced good life with wisdom of life etc, or like if school goes to extremes and is not a wise choice anymore but more like fack-idiotic like secondary school was to me compared with the first 9 years of school, and even more if compared wiyh the first 5 years of ordinary school. So you should correct that thpught error away, that misestimation of what kinds of choices of values and other goals to follow in your lufe in practice. 

torstai 31. elokuuta 2023

Jos tarttee vaihtaa kevyempään ruokavalioon

 Jos jostain syystä tarttee vaihtaa paljon kevyempään ruokavalioon tai esim paastota, niin ehkä se silloin on osin tunnetasollakin jokin kevennyksen kaipuu muttei niin suuren kevennyksen vaan esim lihasta makaronilaatikkoon vaihtamisen. Mutta siis jos on elettävä kivasti mutta kevyemmällä ruualla, niin olisi vaihdettava elämäntapaansa ja elämänarvojaan sekä samaistumisryhmäänsä kevytruokaisemmaksi, mikä tarkoittaa, että olisi seurattava sivistyneiden arvojen mukaisia viisaina pidettyjä suosituksia, esim toivottava hyvää, vältettävä pahantekoa ja raadollisuutta, ajateltava viisaasti ja luettava sekä noudatettava sivistyneitä ratkaisuja, kuunneltava kaunista tms musiikkia, ihailtava välillä edes hetken verran luonnon kauneutta, ulkoiltava, liikuttava, kenties oltava hyväätekevän verran uskonnollinen kauniiden arvojen merkeissä, jne. 

sunnuntai 2. heinäkuuta 2023


 " my step mother like mom Tita cooked rarely. Sometimes Pepe fried Finnish pancakes of the type ghat is sold as large with the product name "Riitan herkku", and we ate smashed apples with it. Tita also taught us to cook the kind of risotto that she liked: first fry smashed meat, then place it and it's oil on a plate, add food oil to the pan and Avorio rise that does not get stuck to clumps and fry the rise a little bit, add lots of water and start cooking the rise, add one piece of chicken sauce concentrate, add freezed vegetables, cook untill the rise and vegetables are ready, a little bit earlier add the meat, remember to mix well so that all cooks evenly. In the summer she sometimes cooked rise and some big vegetable and we went to the garden fireplace where she fried a beef or lax. In the summer the meals varied like felt good, sometimes light, mostly sallad, and sometimes proper meal. 

Pepe mostly cooked potatoes with food. He also cut some big pieces of fresh vegetables like carrot for the family to eat before the meal was ready, if not vegetables then thin pieces of bread. He cooked different kinds of meals, often vegetables plus something with meat or fish. My parents liked somewhat acid quite heavy feeling food but did not need so much of it. 
